✍️ How to create clean Symfony cache pool
There is one thing I never found in the official symfony/cache documentation: how to create my own custom cache pool for my bundle (or my application).
I even created my own cache implementation (based on Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter
) !
But thanks to @stof who made me discover the following code sample. I saw how to make theses cache pool and wanted to share it !
So with the dependencyInjection:
parent: cache.system
public: false
- { name: cache.pool }
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ChildDefinition;
$definition = new ChildDefinition('cache.system');
$container->setDefinition('my_bundle.pool', $definition);
After that you just have to use usual service injection. It will returns you a PSR-6 compatible object.
Clearing pool
By the way, you can also clear your pool with both:
$ php bin/console cache:clear
This one will clear all Symfony cache
$ php bin/console cache:pool:clear my_bundle.cache
And this one will clear only pool cache